On My Mind Monday (3rd Ed.)

Yep. It's Tuesday in the real world. But on this blog--it's On My Mind Monday.  Here are your links for the week. Enjoy.

bg Blog: My Week Alone on the Internet Why: I saw the author, Grant Blakeman speak recently at TedxBoulder about minimalism. (That's him in the photo to the left.) He continues the good work here with a post on being distracted with what he calls CRS aka Constant-Refresh-Syndrome. This post details his experiment to circumvent this and what he found was that there are distractions everywhere. Insightful read.

The Daily Beast: Is There a Gender Divide in Startups? Why: After a flurry of articles about where all the women are in tech startups the author herself a tech startup veteran gets to the point about what we should be focusing on. "I could keep writing about the lack of women in tech, but starting a new company sounds like a lot more fun."

Seth's Blog: The Fear Tax Why: Ever the provocateur, Seth Godin does it again with this post. Simply? Fear is one of the biggest things that holds us back from success in business and in life.