Reverb 10: Community

Community. Where have you discovered community, online or otherwise, in 2010? What community would you like to join, create or more deeply connect with in 2011? 2010 began for me with a relatively small community in my new city of Boulder. I had always wished to more. It quickly grew. In the past year I've discovered community with...

- The tech startup world of Boulder. I'd been out of that world for a while and it welcome surprise to find out that it still resonated and felt like home.

- Twitterers. I started following just a few and now have more than 700 (and growing) kindred spirits who enlighten, educate and entertain me daily.

- Boulder. Very livable city, great people, near the mountains. Enough said.

- The local fire community. I found this community by trying to support a dear friend during the massive Boulder Fire.  I've met incredible people who volunteer their time to fight fires and helped co-found an organization that raises money to support them.

- The dearest friends ever. Although I've lived in 5 cities, this is the place where I feel like I have the deepest and most connections I've ever had. Including Cali, the author of this prompt.

- Riders. As a baby snowboarder, they took me to the slopes and forced me to challenge myself--bringing out an inner athlete I didn't know I had.

- Igniters. Geeky presentations that auto-advance every 15 seconds? I'm there. I was lucky enough to be able to speak at Ignite 10 & happily cheer on anyone with courage to speak in front of more than 900 people. If you have the chance--do it.

- My family. This year I really discovered how much I really love my family. How much I am like them. I'm very happy about that. My "other" family in Boulder is Atlas Purveyors. If you want to know where I am most days look here first. They not only know my name...they know my drink.

- Writers. Writing made a BIG comeback for me in 2010. Friends who are writers, and Reverb 10 have provided a great home for this revival.

So those are (some) of my peeps. In the past I've had this habit of thinking that no one understands me. That I'm too unique. (A throwback from my tortured teenage days) If you hear this from me I give you full permission to put this post in my face as a reminder.

Yeah--I'd say I discovered Community with a capital C in 2010. Turns out it was pretty easy for me. This is a pretty big deal for someone who was convinced they never fit it. So, so, so looking forward to the deepening of this community and the new ones I create in 2011--especially with other tech entrepreneurs.